Singing while Drinking

  • Singing while Drinking

    A poem by Li Bai goes like this: if heaven does not love liquor, liquor star is not in heaven; if earth does not love liquor, liquor spring is not on earth. For five thousand years ups and downs in China’s history, liquor culture is always accompanied. Through the ages, men of literature and writing are fond of liquor, sipping or swilling, being drunk or giddy, and have created countless poems which sang the praises of our great country with five thousand years history, and vintage liquor makes them even better. As in A Short Song Ballad by Cao Cao, enjoy liquor and songs while we can, for life is short.

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A poem by Li Bai goes like this: if heaven does not love liquor, liquor star is not in heaven; if earth does not love liquor, liquor spring is not on earth. For five thousand years ups and downs in Chinas history, liquor culture is always accompanied. Through the ages, men of literature and writing are fond of liquor, sipping or swilling, being drunk or giddy, and have created countless poems which sang the praises of our great country with five thousand years history, and vintage liquor makes them even better. As in A Short Song Ballad by Cao Cao, enjoy liquor and songs while we can, for life is short.